Thank you to all of our 2024 volunteers! The 2025 Memorial Tournament will be held May 26 - June 1. Opening dates for volunteer registration will be posted here in January 2025.

Contact Us

For general questions regarding registration or becoming a volunteer, contact us at volunteer@thememorialtournament.com. Please direct all committee specific questions to the corresponding committee email below.

Committee Co-chairs Email
Bears for Children's Meg Patten, John Rhodeback bearsforchildrens@thememorialtournament.com
Bears for Children's Pre-Tournament Meg Patten, John Rhodeback bearsforchildrens@thememorialtournament.com
Clubhouse Ambassadors Amy Andrews, Jessica Ossege clubhouseambassadors@thememorialtournament.com
Competition Support Kelly Rogers, Teri Slick competitionsupport@thememorialtournament.com
Concessions Courtney Grant, Sarah Jones concessions@thememorialtournament.com
Courtesy Cars / Transportation Jean Gans, Sally Wood (Transportation), Lauretta Godbout, Dee Dee English (Courtesy Cars), courtesycars@thememorialtournament.com
Cub Care Terri Heaphy, Shannon Ford cubcare@thememorialtournament.com
Disabled Services Nancy Minton, Keith Rittenhouse disabledinfo@thememorialtournament.com
EMS Ken Peters, Tina Quinn memorialtournamentems@yahoo.com
Gallery Management Ambassadors (formerly Marshals) Barb Miles, Ike Wampler marshals@thememorialtournament.com
Hospitality Lisa Colosimo, Jennifer Bollinger, Susan Long hospitality@thememorialtournament.com
Leader Boards Michele Joseph, Suzanne Jennings leaderandstatusboards@thememorialtournament.com
Patron Information Beth Branstiter, Beth Fitzgerald patroninformation@thememorialtournament.com
Player Evacuation Bob Adamek, Joe Scott playerevac@thememorialtournament.com
Press Room Michele Joseph, Suzanne Jennings leaderandstatusboards@thememorialtournament.com
Sandwich Factory Michelle Scott, Liz Patel sandwichfactory@thememorialtournament.com
Shuttle Ambassadors Tom Vinci shuttleambassadors@thememorialtournament.com
Shuttle Drivers Chris Stiffler shuttles@thememorialtournament.com
Special Events Sandra Puskarcik, Stephen Smith specialevents@thememorialtournament.com
Status Boards Michele Joseph, Suzanne Jennings leaderandstatusboards@thememorialtournament.com
Supply Distribution Bill Shulack, Ryan Beal supply@thememorialtournament.com
Ticketing Services Amanda Coulter, Allison Main ticketingservices@thememorialtournament.com
Volunteer Services Susan Houser, Kimberly Miller volunteer@thememorialtournament.com
Walking Scorers (MVGC Members Only) Jack Harper, David Clark walkingscorers@thememorialtournament.com