What is a "Sandwich Factory"?
What are the different positions within the Sandwich Factory?
What are the Sandwich Factory Procedures?
Where do I park if volunteering in the Sandwich Factory?
Why should I volunteer?
What do GENERAL VOLUNTEERS receive for volunteering at the Memorial Tournament?
Individuals volunteering for EMS, Gallery Management Ambassadors and Shuttle Drivers should review the FAQs for those specific committees to view their volunteer benefits. The volunteer benefits below are for General Volunteer committees.
General Volunteers are required to work a minimum of 12 hours and receive the following benefits for volunteering:
Those volunteering for more than one volunteer type/group (ie: Shuttle Drivers or Marshals and General Volunteers) will only be ticketed by ONE group based on total hours.
*Frequent shuttles are provided between the A Lot and the main entrance on Memorial Drive.
Please do not bring non-volunteers into the center with you at any time. Thank you for understanding.
What are our volunteer roles and responsibilities?
What is the minimum number of hours required for GENERAL VOLUNTEERS?
Individuals volunteering for EMS, Gallery Management Ambassadors and Shuttle Drivers should review the FAQs for those specific committees to view their hours requirement.
General Volunteers are required to volunteer a minimum of 12 hours.
Which volunteer type should I select when registering?
Individuals volunteering for EMS, Marshals/Gallery Management, or Shuttle Drivers should select the corresponding type.
Otherwise, please select General Volunteer when registering to volunteer for the following:
Only one volunteer type is permitted per email address. If you are volunteering for more than one volunteer type i.e., Shuttle Drivers and as a courtesy car driver (General Volunteer), you will need to create an additional volunteer profile using a different email address. Select the additional volunteer type and your desired shifts using that email address/login.
Those volunteering for more than one volunteer type/group (ie: Shuttle Drivers or Marshals and General Volunteers) will only be ticketed by ONE group based on total hours.
How do I request a name tag?
For new volunteers needing a new or replacement name tag, please open your profile and enter your home town city and state then click the YES option under New Nametag Needed?
Remember to click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen to complete the request.
What is the uniform policy for committees under the GENERAL VOLUNTEER category?
All general volunteers must adhere to the uniform requirements unless specifically noted under each unique committee description.
Uniforms that have been ordered will be available for pickup at Credential Distribution on Saturday, May 10 from 9am - 1pm at The Exchange at Bridge Park, Dublin. Online ordering is available through April 30th.
NOTE: Uniform requirements are different for Gallery Management Marshals, Shuttle Drivers, and EMS. Please see the FAQ section specific to those volunteer types for uniform details.
What if it is hot, may volunteers wear shorts or flip flops/sandals?
No. Unfortunately, all men must wear slacks no matter the weather. The only exception to this is for concessions volunteers since they work in an enclosed tent; if the weather is expected to be exceedingly hot, then the men may wear khaki colored GOLF shorts. Please note: cargo shorts are NOT permitted. The concessions committee chairs will communicate if/when it is permitted.
Women have the option of wearing pants, skort, capri pants or appropriate length shorts for all committees on all days.
Neither men nor women are permitted to wear flip flops or sandals. For safety reasons we ask volunteers wear comfortable closed-toed shoes.
How do I purchase a uniform for the tournament?
You may order volunteer uniform pieces by selecting Order Uniforms in the right sidebar underneath MY INFO. Volunteer orders will be accepted on-line through April 30th. Orders placed on-line and prepaid will be available for pick-up at Credential Distribution on May 10th.
Gallery Management Ambassador hats are not available for pickup at Credential Distribution. Gallery Management Ambassadors will receive a hat when checking in for your first shift.
All uniform pieces will be available for purchase during tournament week in the Volunteer Center. Please see FAQ regarding Credential Distribution Details and Volunteer Center hours.
What if I didn't order my uniform shirt online?
Volunteer uniforms will be available for purchase in the Volunteer Center during tournament week. Please go to the Volunteer Center during the hours of operation prior to your shift to purchase your uniform shirt.
If picking up the day of your shift, please note that traffic could be backed up. Please allow yourself plenty of time to park, catch the shuttle, purchase your shirt, and make it to your post before your shift begins.
During tournament week, park in A Lot and take the shuttle to the Main Gate. The Volunteer Center is located on the lower level of the Memorial Tournament offices on the path leading to/from the Main Gate where the shuttles run to/from A Lot parking.
May I stay in my yellow volunteer shirt if I finished my shift, but want to watch the tournament?
Yes, you may remain on course after your shift to watch the tournament. However, volunteers in uniform should not consume alcohol. If you plan to drink, we ask that you change out of your volunteer uniform (yellow shirt with current "presented by Workday" logo) before doing so.
Where is the Volunteer Center and what are the hours?
The Volunteer Center is located in the lower level of the Memorial Tournament offices, along the cart path from the main gate entrance. Entry to the Volunteer Center is from the access road on the north side of the building. To enter, take the cart path from the main gate entrance until it ends. Take a left onto the access road. Entrance to the Volunteer Center will be on your left.
Volunteers working a shift that day may stop in for bottled water, coffee, and a breakfast snack. See below for hours. Please be considerate of other volunteers and only take ONE item as we plan the quantity available based on the number of volunteers on course prior to each day.
During tournament week, park in A Lot and take the shuttle to be dropped at the Main Gate.
Volunteer Center hours for 2025 are:
Monday, May 26 - 7am – 4pm
Tuesday, May 27 - 7am - 4pm
Wednesday May 28 - 6am - 5pm
Thursday May 29 - 6am - 6pm
Friday May 30 - 6am - 6pm
Saturday May 31 - 8am - 6pm
Sunday June 1 - 7am - 2pm
Please do not bring non-volunteers into the center with you at any time. Thank you for understanding.
What, when, and where is Credential Distribution (packet pickup)?
Credential Distribution will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2025, from 9am - 1pm at The Exchange at Bridge Park located at 6520 Riverside Drive, Dublin, Ohio 43017. Please Note: Doors will not open prior to 9am.
Please see Volunteer Credential Distribution under Volunteer Resources for a printable version of the details, including a parking map for the Bridge Park area.
General Volunteer credential packets will be distributed by your last name.
The following volunteer groups will pick up by committee, at tables designated as follows:
Credential packets will include your tournament volunteer ticket, tournament parking pass, volunteer party invite and pre-purchased uniform items (if applicable). We will not be selling additional uniform pieces at The Exchange.
If you would like to pick up credential packets for a group of 4 or more, please send a list of names to your committee co-chairs by May 7th. These packets will be gathered ahead of time and available at the “Group” pick-up table.
Volunteers may pick up for others!! If you are unable to attend on the 10th, please send someone in your place – that person does not need to be a volunteer. If that is not possible at all (due to a conflict or residing out of state), an email will be sent with details for the next opportunity to pick up your credential packet.
Hats, rain gear, and wind shirts will be available for purchase in the Volunteer Center during tournament week. Only pre-ordered, prepaid uniform orders will be available for pick up at Credential Distribution.
What if I can't make it to Credential Distribution (packet pick up) on Saturday, May 10, 2025?
Volunteer Credentials and uniforms cannot be mailed. If you are unable to attend the Volunteer Credential Distribution, Saturday, May 10, 2025, you will be emailed instructions for obtaining your credentials.
Please note: You can have someone else pick up your credentials on the 10th.
Where do I park when I am volunteering?
All volunteers receive ONE parking pass to the A Lot parking lot, good on the day(s) you are volunteering. The lot is located on Crossgate Dr., east of Muirfield Drive. The shuttle is for volunteers only on days they are volunteering, and runs between A Lot and the main gate on Memorial Dr. The shuttles run from 4:30 am to 8 pm. For evening shifts, a shuttle runs from 8 pm to midnight from the Clubhouse to A Lot.
If you received a different parking pass, your directions will be on the back of the pass.
If you are volunteering near other non-permitted lots, you are welcome to park there. Example: Volunteers can park in the 6th tee lot off Glick Road and enter near the 6th tee.
Where does the volunteer shuttle from A Lot drop me off?
The volunteer shuttle runs continuously from 4:30am - 8pm from A Lot to the main gate on Memorial Drive. When you follow the path, you will see the Volunteer Center on the right.
What is the mobile device policy on course?
Mobile devices are permitted to the extent they are on silent and used in accordance herewith and with the Mobile Device Policy posted on the Tournament grounds and HERE
To ensure an enjoyable experience for fans and the proper competitive environment for players, the Memorial Tournament reserves the right to confiscate phones or devices from violators of this policy. Confiscated phones can be retrieved at the completion of play at Lost and Found located at the Patron Information Center on the walk from the Main Gate entrance.
What is the bag policy?
All volunteers must adhere to the PGA TOUR bag policy. Click here for a list of approved and prohibited bags.
What is the alcohol policy for volunteers?
The consumption of alcoholic beverages before or during volunteer shifts is not permitted. Volunteers who are seen consuming alcohol or suspected of being intoxicated will be relieved of their duties and their tickets revoked. If you plan to be a spectator after your shift and consume alcohol, you must change out of your volunteer uniform (yellow shirt).
What is the autograph policy for volunteers?
No volunteer may use his or her position to solicit player autographs. However, off duty volunteers, not in uniform, may request player autographs, along with all patrons, Monday through Wednesday only.
How do I change or cancel a volunteer shift?
You are able to modify your schedule by going to View My Schedule in the right sidebar under MY INFO until late April/early May. At that time the modify buttons are de-activated and you will need to contact your Committee Chair to make adjustments.
You can find your Committee Chair contact information under the Opportunities tab or the Contact tab at the top of the page.
What is the ticket policy if I cancel my shifts (after receiving my tournament tickets) or no-show for my volunteer shifts?
Tickets are provided in exchange for volunteering. If a volunteer fails to meet the volunteer hours requirement for issued tickets (whether the result of canceling shifts or not reporting for shifts), the tickets will be deactivated.
The selling of tournament tickets or the A Lot Parking Pass given in exchange for volunteering is also prohibited. Volunteers found to have sold their tickets will have their volunteer tickets deactivated and not be permitted to volunteer for future tournaments. Anyone with deactivated tickets will not be permitted entrance to Tournament grounds.
How do I return my tickets if I cancelled my shifts?
Once you notify your committee chairs of your need to cancel your shift(s), your volunteer ticket and volunteer guest ticket will be electronically deactivated and will not scan for course access. There is no need to return your physical volunteer ticket.
How do I find my schedule?
Log into the registration site and select View My Schedule in the right sidebar under MY INFO.
How does inclement weather effect shifts?
Weather delays can extend the day for anyone working or volunteering for the tournament. In the event of a weather delay, you may be asked to stay until play ends.
When do I receive my meal coupon?
Your Committee Chair will distribute your meal coupon and provide you with adequate time to take a lunch break, should your shift be over the lunch hour. Please plan accordingly as lunch break may not be provided for shifts under 6 hours and before or after noon.
Please remember: Committee Chairs manage large groups of volunteers. Please be patient. Communicate with your Committee Chair if you need a break, or plan ahead and eat before or after your shift.
Is there a shuttle for volunteers to get around the course?
No there is not. Volunteers should reference the course map and utilize the parking closest to your volunteer site.
What should I bring with me to volunteer?
Please keep the weather conditions in mind. We suggest hats/visors, ponchos, and sunscreen if you will be working at locations that are out in the open (admission gates, leader/status boards, hospitality venues, etc.).
How do I find a list of prohibited items?
For a complete list of prohibited items please visit the Policies and Protocols page.
Are still cameras and video cameras allowed?
Still cameras are only permitted on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Tournament week and are NOT Allowed Thursday - Sunday. Video equipment is prohibited all seven days.
For additional details please visit the Policies and Protocols page.
What is proper golf tournament etiquette?
The following are rules to follow when working to help ensure both contestants and spectators have the most enjoyable week possible:
How do I know where each player is during his round at a given time?
To determine a player's current location, use the following example: player tees off from Hole No. 1 at 8:45 a.m.; he should play each hole in approximately 15 minutes, which should place him at Hole No. 4 at 9:30 a.m., Hole No. 9 at 10:45 a.m., etc.
Where can I find a course map online?
Please find the course map HERE
Are there any hotels with special rates for volunteers?
There are no special rates or reserved rooms for volunteers at this time. We recommend you make individual arrangements with hotels as early as possible.
Are there any shuttles from hotels for volunteers?
No, there are no shuttles from hotels for volunteers.
Where is Lost and Found?
Lost and Found is located in the Patron Information Center, on the walk from the Main Gate entrance near the main concessions pavilion.
Can kids volunteer for the tournament?
There are 3 committees with volunteer opportunities for Junior Volunteers.
Patron Services:
Junior Entrance Ambassadors will greet Patrons, answer questions, and give guidance to patrons as needed. Junior Ambassadors must be 14 to 17-years-old and scheduled to work with their parent or responsible adult
Sandwich Factory:
Junior Sandwich Factory volunteers work with a parent or responsible adult making sandwiches for on-course concessions. Junior Volunteers must be 14 to 17-years-old and scheduled to work with their parent or responsible adult. Parents/Adults may register with up to 4 juniors (kids or friends). This opportunity is only available Friday and Saturday.
To register with a Junior Volunteer:
Shuttle Ambassador:
Junior Shuttle Ambassador volunteers will be paired to work with a parent or responsible adult. Junior Volunteers must be 14 to 17-years-old and scheduled to work with their parent or responsible adult. Parents/Adults may register with up to 2 juniors (kids or friends).
To register with a Junior Volunteer:
I am a nursing mother. What are the available accommodations?
For nursing mothers needing to pump while volunteering on course, there are five options available to you:
NOTE: It is highly recommended you select a volunteer position near one of these locations to limit the time needed to walk to and from your volunteer location.
When will I receive access to my digital volunteer GUEST ticket?
The digital volunteer GUEST ticket will be available in conjunction with Credential Distribution Day on May 10th.
Please understand that the digital volunteer GUEST ticket is different than a purchased ticket in that access to your volunteer ticket will be available a few days prior to May 10.
For information on managing your digital GUEST ticket, please see Volunteer Digital Ticket Guide 2025 under VOLUNTEER RESOURCES in the rights sidebar.
Note: Only your guest ticket will be digital. Your volunteer ticket will be a hard ticket provided with your volunteer packet.
Where to I find the shifts that were previously under the Ticketing Services Committee?
The ticketing services shifts from 2024 can now be found under the Patron Services committee.